Website Accessibility Notice

Website Accessibility Information

At the Monroe County Intermediate School District (MCISD), we take seriously our responsibility for making the content of our website accessible. We are committed to providing content for people with disabilities and meeting current accessibility standards, including those defined by Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act and the W3C-WAI's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Testing our website for compliance with current accessibility standards is an ongoing process.

Third-Party/Hosted Web Services

Some of the online services provided by MCISD to our visitors through links on our website were not created by, nor are they maintained by MCISD; they are a subscribed service. This includes, but is not limited to the following products and services:

  • Applitrack (online job application system)

  • WisomWhere (Coursewhere) (professional development registration and tracking system)

  • Moodle (Web-based class facilitation)

  • PCG/Easy IEP (Medicaid billing)

  • SmartFind Express (substitute/employee management system)

  • United Streaming (streamed video)

  • WebMail (web-based email access for our staff)

  • Web/MAX (online media booking system)

Every effort is made to ensure the products and services to which we provide and subscribe meet or exceed the accessibility standards adopted by MCISD. The accessibility of these products and services, however, is the sole responsibility of the individual vendor and is beyond our control.