Early On Program/Project Find

Early On Program

The Early On Infant Development Program at the Monroe County Intermediate School District (MCISD) is designed to support families with children (birth to three years) who have developmental delays or disabilities.

The first few years of a child's life are very important, but children grow and learn at different rates. If you have questions about how your child is developing, or if you think that your child might need extra help, call Early On Michigan. Early On helps families get the help they need for their children. We believe that parents know what is best for their families. At Early On, we listen to you. You will find friendly, supportive, and knowledgeable people who will talk to you about your concerns. Sometimes, we will arrange a free evaluation. If the evaluation shows that your child needs help, we'll tell you how to get that help at little or no cost. Call 1-800-EARLY ON (327-5966) for free information about your child's development and Early On services, or visit us on the Web at www.1800EarlyOn.org.

Project Find

Project Find connects families with services and assistance in Monroe County. Children receive extra help they need to succeed in school - and in life.

Who is eligible?

Do you know a child who has difficulty walking, talking, or hearing? Is there a physical, emotional, behavioral, or communication hurdle getting in your way? Is the child struggling in school?

Why Project Find?

The sooner the better- this is the timeline that drives Project Find in Monroe County. To help children reach their greatest potential, early action is critical.

The earlier in life that any type of developmental delay or disability can be identified, the sooner that child can benefit from specialized intervention, including special education programs and services.

These resources are available in Monroe County from birth through age 26. Project Find provides information about special education programs and arranges free evaluations, as appropriate.

This process explores the child's needs and determines his/her eligibility for extra help from our public schools- free of charge.

How do I get help?

The Monroe County ISD is the Monroe County link to Project Find. By calling us at the number below, you'll connect with caring individuals whose primary goal is helping children succeed.

They work with families to coordinate services that open new horizons for children to experience and enjoy life.


Early Childhood Michigan

Resources For Identifying and Acting on Possible Developmental Delays

Should you be concerned about your child's development?

By 3 Months

Does your baby...

• roll from side to side?
• play with herhands?
• laugh out loud?
• smile when talked to?
• show interest in faces?

By 6 Months

Does your baby...

• sit up with little support?
• roll over?
• pass things from one hand to the other?
• like to be touched and held?
• listen and respond when spoken to?

By 12 Months

Does your baby...

• stand alone for at least two seconds?
• drink from a cup with help?
• wave good bye?
• use a few short words like "mama"?
• sleep through the night?
• play games with you like "peek-a-boo"?

By 24 Months

Does your toddler...

• walk and run well?
• ask for things by name?
• use two or three words together?
• handle a spoon well?
• get along with other children?
