SAT & PSAT Resources

SAT & PSAT Resources

The SAT from The College Board came to Michigan in Spring 2016 as the College Readiness portion of the Michigan Merit Exam (MME).  Michigan now provides the SAT to all high school juniors (11th grade), the PSAT 10 to 10th graders, the PSAT 8/9 to all 9th graders, and the PSAT 8/9 to all 8th graders.  These tests are given in April as part of the annual state summative testing program.

This webpage houses a number of links to information about these tests, as well as links to resources for preparing for these tests.  Also, MCISD provides SAT & PSAT preparation sessions to county students at no cost each year.  These typically happen in February/March each spring.  When tests are provided statewide in the fall, prep sessions may also be offered in the fall.  For more information on these sessions, please email or call Kathy Berry, Director of Research, Evaluation, and Assessment, using the contact information provided on this page.

SAT/PSAT Information

Michigan and the SAT – website supporting Michigan’s use of the College Board SAT/PSAT suite

About the SAT- national SAT dates and deadlines, test center closing, launch page for all things SATP

Services for Students with Disabilities – the many ways College Board accommodates students with disabilities to they can show what they know

SAT Test Specifications (PDF)  Includes a number of sample questions as well as  highly detailed information about the types of questions and how the test will be structured

Key Content Features of the SAT-PSAT Suite (SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, PSAT 8/9) – Content highlights, about scores, why SAT/PSAT matters

What to Expect on Test Day

All About SAT Scores – how to get your scores, how to send your scores, what do your scores mean?

SAT Suite for Educators – Information for K-12 educators and higher education

PSAT 10 and PSAT/NMSQT (Grade 11)  - All about the PSAT/NMSQT – SCHOLARSHIP Connections

PSAT 8/9  - The first test in the College Board suite, for 8th and 9th graders

Contact Information for the College Board for SAT  

Contact Information for The College Board for PSAT 


Content Area Resources

Reading Test – Detailed Information  

Writing & Language Test – Detailed Information

Mathematics Test – Links at the bottom of the mathematics page will take users to the three key topics, plus additional topics, for the mathematics test.

SAT Essay – College Board no longer offers the Essay portion except as part of state contracts, such as for Michigan’s 11th grade students each spring


For School Counselors

Services for Students with Disabilities

Counselor Workshops

Counselor On-Line Workshops

Counselor’s Guide to the Redesigned Assessments (PDF)

Sample/Practice Questions and Tests


SAT/PSAT Sample Questions

SAT Suite of Assessments – Practice Tests

PSAT/NMSQT and PSAT 10 – Practice Tests

College Admission Test Preparation from Michigan Electronic Library (MEL)


Preparing for the SAT/PSAT Tests

In addition to the resources below, please be sure to download and/or access the sample and practice questions and tests noted in the section above.

Khan Academy Revised SAT/PSAT Resources

Sample Questions from College Board

Supporting Opportunities for Students


National Merit Scholarships (PSAT/NMSQT for 11th graders)

The College Board – Delivering Opportunity  

College Application Fee Waivers for Income-Eligible Students

All In – Supporting efforts to increase access to AP courses to under-represented student populations

Apply to 4 or More – Supporting all students in applying to at least 4 colleges

You Can Go! – Support for students who may not have thought they could attend (for a number of reasons)