DLM: Dynamic Learning Maps

Michigan is tentatively expecting to replace its alternative assessment, MI-Access, with the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) assessments.  If adopted, DLM is expected to be administered in spring 2016 at the earliest. 

According to the DLM website, “The Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessment System Consortium (DLM) is a group of 14 states dedicated to the development of an alternative assessment system. The consortium includes the states of Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.”

Dynamic Learning Maps assessments are expected to be appropriate for moderate to severely cognitively impaired students.  They are based on alternate content expectations, the Common Core Essential Elements.  For information on the CCEE, please visit the Michigan Department of Education’s DLM-CCEE website.

A number of DLM-related videos are on YouTube, including this one on an overview of the Essential Elements.

For more information on DLM, please visit the Dynamic Learning Maps website .